Lifting des yeux

Série de traitements 
Technologie : Plasma

A puffy, droopy eyelid greatly compromises one’s appearance. Eyelid drooping happens with age, as part of the natural aging process, whereby a decrease in factors important for elasticity, firmness, suppleness and vitality of the skin takes place.

La zone des paupières est fortement influencée par le passage du temps. Les sourcils s'affaissent et s'affaissent, la paupière supérieure s'affaisse et un excès de peau s'y accumule, tandis que la paupière inférieure « gonfle » de sorte que des « poches » se forment sous les yeux, souvent accompagnées d'une décoloration de la peau dans cette zone.

Dans le passé, le lifting des yeux était utilisé pour résoudre ce problème.

Today, at Individuel clinics thanks to the innovative plasma technology alongside our other innovative techniques, we use a non-surgical technologies to treat wrinkle removal, lifting and rejuvenation of the face, neck and palms.

Qu'est-ce qu'un lifting oculaire non chirurgical ?

During a non-surgical eye lift using Plasma, we use a new pen-like device, that allows us to evaporate extra skin. This is a short treatment, where we create a tiny, superficial and very localized micro-trauma to the outer layer of the skin. The treatment focuses on the upper eyelid, and the skin’s response to this evaporation is firming up and solidifying. Plasma energy is very focused, which makes it safer to use.

Le lifting des yeux au plasma cible la peau de la paupière supérieure et la paupière inférieure affaissée et tombante. Après le traitement, l'excès de peau se retire, les poches sous les yeux disparaissent, tandis que la paupière supérieure paraît plus ferme. Ce traitement donne d'excellents résultats et présente de nombreux avantages.

The advantages
of using plasma

Avoiding eye lift surgery – surgery is an invasive process, requiring anaesthesia, and associated with various risks, pain, discomfort and a longer recuperation period. The new plasma treatment makes surgery unnecessary and allows for excellent results with no anaesthesia, no prep, no pain and no recuperation period. Treatment is done with local analgesia, involves no cutting of tissues, and therefore leaves no scars.

Safe treatment
Great results

The treatment does not entail risks or possible complications for the client. Keeping eyes symmetrical – the staff member administering the treatment can examine both eyelids during treatment, and avoid asymmetry between right and left eye (a common occurrence with surgical eye lift). The treatment is very effective, and the wonderful results it achieves are maintained over time, at least as long as surgical results. This treatment is suitable even for bad cases of very droopy, sagging eyelids.

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