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Golden Touch Nagelset


Puffer – Buffing not only provides an attractive luster but also stimulates blood circulation at the base of the nail which encourages healthy growth. The Individuel 3-steps Buffer contains two pads and two strips.

  • Step 1- The dark grey strips buff the surface of the nails, removing ridges. Gently draw the strip of the buffer across the nail – in one direction only – avoiding the nail tips.
  • Step 2 – Massage the nail with the light-green pad, using long, energetic, back and forth movements. This stimulates blood circulation under the nail and encourages faster, stronger and healthier growth.
  • Step 3 – To reach an attractive luster, polish each nail, using the Super Magic white strip until your nails are shiny.

Cuticle Oil 10ml (0.35oz)

Apply a small amount of the cuticle oil over fingertips and skin. Massage until well absorbed. Daily use will help avoid cracking and dry cuticles.

Dieses Öl enthält Mineralien und Pflanzenextrakte aus dem Toten Meer, um Haut und Nägel zu nähren und zu befeuchten.

24k Gold Handcreme 100ml (3.4oz) Individuel Gold Hand Cream is enriched with Gold and natural Dead Sea minerals.

Die Creme spendet Ihrer Haut Feuchtigkeit ohne das fettige Gefühl zu haben, während das Gold die Feuchtigkeit für viele Stunden einschließt und der Hautschädigung vorbeugt.

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